As I've probably mentioned too many times before, I am so fortunate that our college is conveniently placed between so many cool places. One of them being Muskegon.
This week Leah and I desperately needed a release from the stress of school. Since Spring Break, things have really picked up and become hectic with professors throwing assignment after assignment, multiple exams, research papers and emotionally draining clinical days. This past month really caught up with me and I realized how it has taken an emotional toll on me with losing a close friend, losing a patient and constantly being surrounded and reminded of all of the ways that the human body can fail you. I needed a self-care day, as did Leah, so we went hiking through Muskegon State Park.
We hiked to the very top of the sand dunes until we couldn't feel our calves anymore, and the view was definitely worth it. We sat on a bench that overlooked Lake Michigan and turned off our speaker that was playing music. We listened to the quiet blow of the wind and just stared at the coast as we sat in silence. It's interesting to think how one simple thing can take pressure off of your body that you hadn't even noticed was there.
If you are going to take anything away from this post, just remember to take care of yourself every once in a while. Find the things that make you happy and go do them. Allow your body to step away from all the stress and life obligations, even if it's just for an hour, and give yourself the time you deserve to recoup.